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About Community Agency

Community Agency: Creating Culturally-Potent Ideas for a Multi-Everything World

Community Agency is not your typical advertising agency. Founded with the goal of creating a different type of company that creates a different type of advertising, Community Agency has never abided by traditional definitions of how an agency works. Their approach to ideas, brands, culture, and the kind of people who join their community is anything but traditional.

At Community Agency, they are not just another multicultural agency. They are a global agency made up of diverse backgrounds with one unifying mission: to create culturally-potent ideas for a multi-everything world.

Their team consists of individuals from all walks of life who bring unique perspectives and experiences to the table. This diversity allows them to create campaigns that resonate with audiences from all backgrounds and cultures.

One thing that sets Community Agency apart from other agencies is their commitment to authenticity. They believe in creating campaigns that are true to the brand's values and resonate with their target audience on a deeper level.

Their services include everything from brand strategy and creative development to media planning and buying. They work closely with clients every step of the way to ensure that their campaigns are effective in achieving their goals.

Community Agency has worked with some big-name brands such as Coca-Cola, Nike, Google, and McDonald's just to name a few. Their portfolio showcases some truly innovative campaigns that have made an impact on audiences worldwide.

One campaign worth mentioning is their work for Coca-Cola during Ramadan in 2019. The campaign was called "Labels" and featured Coke bottles with labels written in Arabic calligraphy instead of English text. The campaign was well-received by Muslim communities around the world as it celebrated diversity while also acknowledging Ramadan as an important cultural event.

Another notable campaign was created for Nike during Black History Month in 2020 called "Until We All Win". The campaign featured athletes like LeBron James and Serena Williams speaking out against racism while also promoting Nike products. The message behind this campaign was powerful as it encouraged people from all backgrounds to come together against racial injustice.

In conclusion, Community Agency is not your average advertising agency; they're so much more than that! With their diverse team members bringing unique perspectives into every project they undertake combined with authentic messaging strategies tailored specifically towards each client's needs - there really isn't anyone else quite like them out there today! If you're looking for an innovative partner who can help take your brand or business idea further than ever before - look no further than Community Agency!