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About Chinese Information and Service Center

Chinese Information and Service Center (CISC) is a non-profit organization that has been serving the immigrant community in King County for over 45 years. The organization was founded in 1972 by a group of Chinese immigrants who recognized the need for support services to help newcomers adjust to life in the United States.

CISC's mission is to help immigrants throughout King County achieve success in their new community by providing information, referral, advocacy, social, and support services. The organization serves individuals from all backgrounds and cultures, with a focus on those who are low-income or limited English proficient.

One of CISC's primary goals is to provide access to information and resources that can help immigrants navigate complex systems such as healthcare, education, housing, and employment. The organization offers workshops and classes on topics such as citizenship preparation, financial literacy, job readiness skills training, language learning opportunities like ESL classes.

In addition to these educational programs CISC also provides direct assistance through its case management services. Case managers work one-on-one with clients to identify their needs and connect them with appropriate resources within the community. This may include assistance with accessing public benefits like food stamps or Medicaid or finding affordable housing options.

Another important aspect of CISC's work is advocacy on behalf of immigrant communities. The organization works closely with local government officials and other stakeholders to ensure that policies are inclusive of all members of the community regardless of immigration status.

CISC also recognizes the importance of social connections for newcomers who may feel isolated or disconnected from their communities. To address this need they offer a variety of social activities including cultural events like Lunar New Year celebrations as well as recreational activities like hiking trips or picnics at local parks.

Overall CISC plays an essential role in supporting immigrant communities throughout King County by providing critical information referral services along with direct assistance advocacy efforts social connections opportunities for personal growth development through education programs workshops classes case management services cultural events recreational activities etcetera which helps them integrate into American society more easily while preserving their own culture heritage identity values beliefs traditions customs practices etcetera

Chinese Information and Service Center

Chinese Information and Service Center
