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About Calgary Immigrant Educational Society

Calgary Immigrant Educational Society: Empowering Newcomers to Succeed

The Calgary Immigrant Educational Society (CIES) is a non-profit organization that has been serving the immigrant community in Calgary for over 30 years. CIES is dedicated to helping new immigrants and low-income families learn English language, employment skills, and settlement training. The organization's mission is to empower newcomers with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in Canada.

CIES offers a wide range of programs and services designed to meet the unique needs of immigrants. These include language classes, job search assistance, career counselling, financial literacy training, housing support, and much more. The organization's team of experienced professionals works closely with clients to develop personalized plans that help them achieve their goals.

One of CIES' most popular programs is its English Language Training (ELT) program. This program provides newcomers with the opportunity to improve their English language skills through a variety of courses tailored to different levels of proficiency. Whether you are just starting out or looking to improve your existing skills, CIES has a course that will meet your needs.

In addition to ELT courses, CIES also offers specialized language training for specific industries such as healthcare or hospitality. These courses are designed for individuals who want to improve their language skills in order to pursue careers in these fields.

Another key area where CIES excels is employment services. The organization provides job search assistance including resume writing workshops, interview preparation sessions and access job postings from various employers across Calgary region . Additionally , they offer career counselling services which help clients identify their strengths , interests ,and goals so they can make informed decisions about their future careers .

For those who are new arrivals in Canada , settling into a new country can be challenging . That's why CIES offers settlement services such as housing support , orientation sessions on Canadian culture & customs , legal advice on immigration matters etc . These services help newcomers navigate the complex process of settling into life in Canada .

CIES also recognizes that many newcomers face financial challenges when they first arrive in Canada . To address this issue ,they offer financial literacy training which helps clients understand how money works here & how best manage it effectively .

Overall,Calgary Immigrant Educational Society plays an important role within Calgary’s immigrant community by providing essential resources & support needed for successful integration into Canadian society . With its wide range of programs &services tailored specifically towards newcomer needs,CIES continues empowering immigrants towards achieving success within Canadian society!

Calgary Immigrant Educational Society

Calgary Immigrant Educational Society
