Reviews 13
Most recent
3 years ago

Boone Electric has been great to me, my family and...

Boone Electric has been great to me, my family and our properties through and through. I paid nothing at deposit and I definitely don't have an "800+ FICO" nor am I "elderly transferring to a nursing home" as some audacious claims here may lead you to believe. However, the OP of that review also complained about their shut off windows and I can't relate to "42 days" of late notices because I pay my bills on time. Had they, I'm sure they would have been happier with their service. I know, because this company, on their dime cut down an 80+ foot sycamore tree from my front yard as preventative maintenance within a week of me calling and telling them about the tree, saving me multiple thousands of dollars! The workers were very friendly and even let me watch from a distance as I had never seen a tree be cut down and they asked when they were finished if everything looked OK before they left. I have had a few surges since we have lived here but they have been in inclement weather and are to be expected. I didn't have a choice in who offered me electric services because we are 200 ft from the city cut off and I had read these reviews before starting services, I was skeptical to say the least, however, I am pleasantly surprised and would recommend them to my family and friends.

4 years ago

Boone Co electric coop:

Boone Co electric coop:
"1920s electric service at 2010+ rates" at its best.
Corporate communism that would make Marx proud at its worst.

Boone Co electric coop:
-Charges $125/$250 "security depost" & will disconnect customer after strict 50days (holidays too) late regardless of amount. I've received 42day invoices
+Won't notify via telephone until a disconnect occurs.
-Brownouts requiring digital clock, microwave oven resets no less than 12x per yer (by their measurements; I've experienced 5 in a single week). Brownouts IME are b/w 815-930AM.
-UPS (Uninteruptible Power supply) can measure over 70 brownouts & surges in just one week.

So if you like coming home to blinking led Lights, reset appliances & maybe thermostat resets too, then Boone county Coop is the best for you.

Boone county Coop is a Coop by name only. It's an Incorporated that emulates Coop terms. Your membership will mean as much to you as an automobile club or Sam's club "membership" that You Pay for. The legacy Coop terminolgy *allows Boone coop exemptions from state utilities oversight.* You don't even get to vote for a director in a rigged election!

So if you're comfortable banking at a USBANK or Bank of America "credit union," Boone county electric coop is for You.

Seriously. Shocking if you're from a metropolitan area where 3-4 brownouts requiring resets happen. Rates are OK.... Appears to be a great place to work if you've got a family relative or friend there. Most of the out of office duties are through subcontractors though. Honestly it's hard to find a decent thing to say.

They say $0 security deposits are possible. So if you're elderly & transfer to a nursing home maybe it's $0. 800+ FICO will still pay a $125 deposit.

For businesses that require Boone Co electric Coop services, I honestly, in hindsight, recommend using legal services which include utilities setup. No liability for power loss damages because 'you're a member too-can't sue yourself!' of course. No guarantees or promises statement must be signed & accepted. Unlimited "inspections" by thoroughly unqualified personnel too. Ready to open your business in no less than 90days at existing facility. As for their business transparency...they publish a large newspaper size quarterly. Even with that, it's watery: unlike Flint MI finest, more like a muddy stream or red tide.

Boone Co electric coop:
A utility exempt from all state regulations, harsh disconnection policy, poor "membership benefits" and probably a great place to work for if you can get in the door. Business unfriendly environment beyond anything federal government could do.

The 4.3/5.0 facebook rating is most likely from employees. I must repeat, "shouting"

4 years ago

Electric service and rates are fine. The problem i...

Electric service and rates are fine. The problem is that they also take on billing for Boone County Sewer, which is a cesspool if borderline (if not out right) illegal practices. While you are trying to get back the hundreds of dollars charged in error from your sewer account, your electric bill isn t being paid properly. And I can t even follow the circles as she tried to explain how my payment was late. (I m not sure even she understood.)
Never in my life have I had so much trouble trying to pay a utility bill!!!

***replying to BEC s request to move this to the sewer company s site:
I ve given them a 1-star review too. I will not move this review because my customer experience with your company is impacted by your decision to help the sewer company save money on billing . It makes paying my electric bill more difficult. And I ve had even more trouble since this original review. There is no reason paying a bill should be this complicated!
(I ve added a star because I now get a text message clarifying what is owed to which company. This doesn t resolve the crazy entanglement when you owe one and not the other.)***

4 years ago

About 8 last night our neighborhood was without el...

About 8 last night our neighborhood was without electricity. A crew was quickly dispatched and repaired the damage. Apparently a raccoon had shorted out the breaker. I appreciate the team that got us back online so efficiently.

4 years ago

Just like many other corporations they do not care...

Just like many other corporations they do not care about you as an individual customer. They only care about making money. No matter how, even if it's unlawful or a lack of effort on their part. They are not willing to be helpful or correspond with you to relay their "rules" because that is a way for them to stick it to you. I am currently under the process of getting a lawyer and during for false advertisement and monetary thrift.

4 years ago

Online system is a nightmare. It's practically imp...

Online system is a nightmare. It's practically impossible to log in, so paying my bill is a huge hassle. The sewer rate is also absurd given that the neighborhood floods every time it rains.

4 years ago

I'm disappointed, and only have been with them for...

I'm disappointed, and only have been with them for a week. You all should clearly state somewhere when requesting new service, that you all bill in advance for the sewer! Was literally in my home only a week, and received an $85 bill for sewer. I understand that they do this as a deposit, but COMMUNICATE that new customers!! No one has money to just drop out of their pockets!!!!

4 years ago

Boone Electric provided trolleys to a local politi...

Boone Electric provided trolleys to a local political rally with over 5000 attendees. Whoever was responsible for those trolleys left over five busloads of people standing in the pouring rain after dark. The trolleys left empty en route to the same location as those five busloads of people. Poor management and a political stunt because they didn't like the political parties that were speaking. Bad business practice.


