Reviews 34
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3 years ago

Background .Laughter Guy has returned! What s h...

Background .Laughter Guy has returned! What s his real job? I want an interview for either job. I can laugh on cue. Plus Lara is only on 3 days! I only have watch and hear 3 days. Fox News now.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Went to the Tameron Hall Show. It was absolutely a...

Went to the Tameron Hall Show. It was absolutely amazing. She was witty, funny and super aware. Best wishes and many prayers. I was so blessed to be on the show with Erica Campbell.. she also spent a few minutes after the show taking pictures with her guest

4 years ago

This network has been appallingly sensational, one...

This network has been appallingly sensational, one-sided politically, and has been a source of fear and drama. The newscasts have stirred up hatred, and judged crimes before they went to court, by way of repeated partial-truth reporting. This network has done nothing to bring this country together during such a hard year. We no longer watch this network. Americans like us need facts on all sides. We don t want to be deceived or influenced by your liberal agenda.

4 years ago

I learned after 26 years in the air force that the...

I learned after 26 years in the air force that the only way you prevent a war and or win a war is to break your opponents will to fight. That can't be done as long as the media has this idea that the "public needs to know everything". The media needs to go more conservative because the only way we can break their will to fight and avoid war is if we don't give them any ideas of our capabilities. Even if we don't have the capabilities that the media is asking whether or not we do have, we don't need to give our enemies any ideas that possibly could have slipped their minds.

So if you want to help the United States of America to prevent all-out nuclear war then make sure your media coverage is more conservative.

It's because of the idiotic liberal media that we lost the Vietnam War and the Korean war was a tie. And I know probably a lot of people are saying "well what about the Gulf War?" Well let me ask you something. Looking at the Middle East right now did we really win the Gulf War? I don't think so. Looks to me like we're still fighting the Gulf War just a different opponent and a slightly different location. But our objective is still the same in the Gulf. Prevent radical Islam from Gaining full control the oil in that region.

So we have two enemies we need to keep totally wondering about the capabilities of the US.
Radical Islam and the communist in the Far East

And to anyone who opposes what I'm saying I say this. Either you're an idiot or you support our enemies. Either way, the world is better off without you.

In addition.
In addition you need to pay attention to what that officer said when he's flying over South Korea.
To the South you see nothing but bright lights for as far as the eye can see and to the north you see nothing but Darkness.
If you don't believe me then go on the internet and look up a satellite photo North and South Korea in the middle of the night.
When you compare the industrial capabilities and the agricultural capabilities between the North and South of Korea, you will see that South Korea has more than enough to take care of both the North and the South and North Korea has nothing but a bunch of starving citizens.

And do you know why?

That's because North Korea spends all its money on defense, which is not required because North Korea has nothing that South Korea wants. If there is an invasion of any kind it will be from the north because the North is doing everything wrong to take care of its people.

Think about it. What does South Korea and the US have to gain from invading North Korea? The answer is nothing but a bunch of starving people. We're already having enough trouble taking care of our own and South Korea, just like the United States, has its share of poor people.
So again I reiterate what do we want with North Korea other than to convince them to NOT invade the South? That's all we're doing. We're convincing them not to invade the South.

4 years ago

My dad's cia here's the plan..

My dad's cia here's the plan..

I want to share it here without generating shares scores tags don't show scores. Trump needs attention to keep his health going with narsacistic agenda.If I like it it makes a score for whoever posted this and paid to have Facebook Target certain incomes, races and age groups even individual cities.
Repost this
Use hashtag don't share. Hash tag out the GOP attention on Wednesday we start. Please share to everyone on Instagram you know. Where's my army?
don't share any news at all about politics only search what been hash tagged politics. Trust me
Use hashtag #keepportlandweird for Trump instead of reposting his news he's making.

4 years ago

The GOVERNMENT which dictates the stories aired on...

The GOVERNMENT which dictates the stories aired on the television, has done extensive research on Morphic Resonance and the fact that many horrific stories are aired after those studies have been conducted on formative causation is SERIOUSLY DISTURBING....... Perpetuating horrific actions and should be held culpable in many serious crimes!!!!!!!!!!! As a civilization, we have a responsibility to dismantle Media organizations.

4 years ago

Wish that David Muir's reporting could include the...

Wish that David Muir's reporting could include the underlying root causes and implications. Currently, many of his previews are pretty much with the same length of the actual news reported later in the show with only one or two sentences. Muir's reporting has turned into a headline reading broadcasting show, instead of a true solid news reporting show I expected from ABC.

4 years ago


SPREADING LIES PROPAGANDIST smh Its ok for ANTIFA and BLM to march burn down property and cause trouble but when White people march peacefully you demonize us............ How long you think you will last with a plummeting audience base and layoffs everywhere maybe you come over the right side of history and play for the homie team and watch as prosperity for ALL Americans Happens......but you just go on doing what you do and wonder why you failed being a commie propaganda machine

4 years ago

Joy Behar is a needs to be held accountable for he...

Joy Behar is a needs to be held accountable for her comments about Vice President Mike Pence! Why is she allowed to get away with the political trash that comes out of her mouth! She needs to be removed from TV, PERIOD!

4 years ago

ABC news is brainwashing you with fake news. In th...

ABC news is brainwashing you with fake news. In the case of the empire actor. He was attached. They IDed the attackers as two black males from Nigeria. The actor said they said "this is maga country" and poured beech on him. ABC news repeated what the actor said but with mug shots tjey deliberately withheld them from the news to make it appear the attackers were white trump supporters . The fact the attackers are black AND THE PHOTOS ARE OUT THERE. and ABC news withheld it is almost treasonous and is libelous to all trump suppprters. ABC NEWS ARE LIARS

4 years ago

hi my name is Mark shallit please go immediately t...

hi my name is Mark shallit please go immediately to m a r k. S h a l l i t. 902 Instagram Com to see FBI and LAPD on an unofficial operation called organized gang stalking which states phone call acting and computer acting and law enforcement federal agent evolved on May 4th 2018 5 days before, he was fired because I proved it be I was setting him up if you have a setting up Trump not only in this a tow truck but let me to be tortured and 18800 pictures and videos including Tesla funding other people commit life sentence crimes 18800 pictures and videos I got a chance under the same last name on Facebook and YouTube please help me I've been in a four-year facilitated tortured impersonate a secret service agent and it's on court documents and you guys always talk about in the newsplease take my store I get the best story in the world I wouldn't get six police station for being involved with child pronography now that facilitate my crime through my home through four years of facilitating it through electrocutions after FCC filter report the part 15 model 388 SBC on Master transmuter instead of got together with DWP has been out of the crimes in both on a lightbulb together that takes illegal pictures and for frequency and electrocuting me in my bed after finding CFR part 16 codes in there I've been here for you if it's torture crime while impersonation of a secret service agent occur. 9 16 2017 and at my probation office LAPD pay my brother brother to commit medical fraud I'm not only to illegally at 11 my brother off at to your judgment but you're legally sign medical paperwork to say I'm crazy thing I imagine the device but when it's notarized and documented and on the website is Victor leaving back to the truck because you know they got caught and the potato and a life sentence crime as 18601 Hatteras Street tarzana California 91356 and 18620 the building I'm in are the very people DWP have been looking for and a motherboard with the black circular chip that proves that they hack the Pentagon from this phone line but it's not a phone if the transmitter and LAPD goes to every place where I go to buy phone but make sure I get a transmitter I got over 50 company for funding terrorism with the proo.


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