Morbius Five
Review of Thurrock Mind

3 years ago

Appalling. So called 'Advocates' came to my house...

Appalling. So called 'Advocates' came to my house on the pretense of 'helping me', rolled their eyes at each other in a manner that did not inspire confidence, then ignored me for MONTHS, despite me emailing them repeatedly. Then when I further emailed them & asked outright whether they were actually ever going to help me, they wrote a condescending email back that repeatedly demonstrated they had not listened to a single word I had said, claimed that they could not help me for reasons that made no sense whatsoever, were 'disturbed by my obvious distress', but despite this had still CHOSEN to completely ignore me for MONTHS regardless, leaving me to deal totally alone with the very things they should have been helping me with.

These people are NOT 'Advocates'. They did not listen to anything I said, ignored me, only responded when they were forced to, then fobbed me off with nonsensical claptrap as to why they could not help me, whilst claiming to be 'disturbed by my obvious distress' a distress they had TOTALLY IGNORED for TWO MONTHS until I had forced them to respond to me and even then their only response was ignorant and completely fake. Who claims to be 'disturbed by your obvious distress' but only bothers to mention it TWO MONTHS later when you have repeatedly chased THEM up, because they have totally ignored you? As insincere & ignorant as it gets. They told me to seek help elsewhere from places they were well aware I could not get it from, which is why I had been sent to them in the first place, as though that were in ANY way helpful, when it was in fact just buck passing and fobbing off. They also left me dealing with issues they could easily have helped me with, issues that could have driven me to suicide, & then offered to help me TWO MONTHS after I'd already sorted them out myself. How helpful is that? Not at all. My life could have literally depended on these people, & they totally abandoned me.

I have friends living in other areas who have Mind Advocates and have relayed the help they have actually received from them, & it has been an actual genuine attempt at HELP, as opposed to the appalling behaviour of the staff I encountered here. Therefore I would suggest that the behaviour of these staff is a CHOICE they are making, Ignoring me for MONTHS, despite being supposedly 'Disturbed by my OBVIOUS DISTRESS', giving me INCORRECT ADVICE, i.e. that they could NOT help me because I apparently have a solicitor, when I DON'T, and everything else they stated, & even then ONLY when forced to do so, after I outright asked them why they were totally IGNORING ME, was a fobbing off exercise, clearly speedily written (since they'd forgotten I existed for months) as a 'get lost' response to someone they had long since forgotten about already, & could not care less whether I was alive or dead.

When I rightfully pointed the above, which smacked of rushing through their notes because they'd just remembered I existed, they sarcastically sent me a Feedback Form in the post which arrived the next day, & a letter stating to contact them if I needed any 'Further Advocacy' despite the fact they had NEVER given me ANY advocacy in the first place. You'll also notice they can ignore you for MONTHS, but when it comes to sarcastically sending you a feedback form when you say you'll be putting in a complaint & they want to give the impression they do not care, they can send THAT quick as lightening.

Ignorant, insincere, fake, disingenuous, tokenistic, coasting individuals simply robotically going through the motions who instantly forget you exist when it suits them, & dismiss you with illogical nonsensical imaginary made up reasons when they cannot be bothered to help you, fobbing you off to imaginary solicitors, who never existed in the first place, which is why you ended up going to them.

If you need help, and particularly if your life depends on that help, I would ADVOCATE you go elsewhere, as opposed to wasting months of your life waiting for these charlatans to unceremoniously dump you back where you started.


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