4 years ago

They can't even bother to make a phone call to tal...

They can't even bother to make a phone call to talk to us about billing. They were always having issues with taking our payments - computers not working etc...They even tried to make me pay a bill I had already paid and had a receipt for! Make sure you get your receipt cause they don't know what they're doing. No courtesy for hard working people doing the best they can to keep track of so many medical apptointments and bills.

We thought everything was paid off and then it turns out it isn't because they only applied payment to a few "encounter numbers" and not others
because we set up a payment plan with them. Ridiculous!!! Not too long ago we were told we were all paid off. Then I get a call from collections because apparently we were not paid off on "ALL" our "encounters." They explained rather rudely that they don't "combine encounters" when I called. With the inaccurate billing of paid appointments and confusion with what insurance paid - I am supposed to just know that I have some random bill that wasn't paid with all of the others when your office told me I was paid up! I should have just known that this time you were actually sending out a different bill not associated with our other bill that needed separate specific payment - and that even though we were sending you money - you wouldn't apply it to this bill because this encounter number was the one magical encounter that was separate from everything else. That's like going to the grocery store and being stopped by security for shoplifting carrots because you should have known that you had to make carrot payments since your carrots were not combined into your grocery bill - and you should have known that.

Apparently they can call to remind you of your appointment and tell you the wrong time - but they can't be bothered to call you back about messed up billing, or to help you sort out something. They have their priorities a little messed up!!


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