Jennifer Newkirk

3 years ago

My husband was seen in the er last Sunday and admi...

My husband was seen in the er last Sunday and admitted for cellulitis of the right leg. They kept him for 4 days then discharged him even tho he was having fever and swelling up real bad. 3 hours after being discharged he had a 102 fever no energy and very pale. I took him to a different hospital. His fever was higher by the time we got there. After doing labs the found his white cell count was a lot higher now then when he was admitted a week ago. How did they not see that or care? Needless to say he has been admitted again thankfully at a new hospital where he will actually get treated with the proper medication to take care of this. Even the doctors here said they should not have released him. I will never use or recommend this hospital to anyone!


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