Anna Carolina

4 years ago

Not a school that produces Front-Office recruits. ...

Not a school that produces Front-Office recruits. Companies recruit here for BACK-office positions. BEWARE: The school is turning into an INDIAN DEGREE MILL- due to a great number of INDIAN faculty and Administrators who can't speak English. To a great extent overrun by recruited international students from INDIA paying full-sticker, out-of state tuition price ( displacing many smart local Indiana students who qualify for lower in-state rates). Pretty much 90% of the white students are hard-core Greeks. Job placement is great, but the QUALITY OF JOBS IS LOW. Many third-rate, boring accounting, consulting, banking and consumer goods companies recruit here for their non-fast-track corporate cog positions- like General Mills, KPMG,Discover. Sexy companies in tech, finance and consulting like McKinsey, Bain, BCG, Goldman, Google, Apple, Amazon, Uber, Facebook do not really recruit in this back-woods, fly-over country. MSIS program is a degree mill run by the INDIAN mafia to churn out H1B1 visa Indian IT consultants for boring Big4 jobs. There are a token few white guys and girls in the program who are treated poorly and ostracized by overwhelmingly INDIAN professors and students. 90% of MSIS students are indians. The school has good programs in boring fields like ACCOUNTING and OPERATIONS, to a lesser extent FINANCE. Programs in exciting fields like Marketing are poor. Programs in HR and Organizational Development are non-existent. Gender balance by program is very poor. Operations and Finanace is 85% men. Marketing is 90% women. Enterpreneurship is 90% men. IT is 90% men. Accounting is 70% men. At Kelley a student is really just a number, since intro classes are HUGE and are designed to be weed-out classes. Especially Accounting 101. Accounting is not that difficult, but it has been made extra difficult at IU to weed out the greatest number of students. 85% of first-time class takers fail or withraw from accounting 101, an that is by design.


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