Shhshd Shhdhdhd

4 years ago

This review is about AAG not solstice. This school...

This review is about AAG not solstice. This school scarred me for life, and caused me to develop more issues than it ever helped. I went for treatment for anxiety, anger and Aspergers related issues but came out a whole new monster. I was expecting to be able to have regular contact with my parents, but they limit that to a few short, timed calls a week that were monitored by staff, could be cut off by by staff if you were saying things they didn't like and could be heard by other students. That was one of the smallest issues though. One of the bigger things that I remember was the school changing children's medication without parent consent. We couldn't tell exactly what they were doing, as every time I asked why the pill was different they just said the brand had changed or told me to shut up and take it, but from how I felt after the changes and how som other girls said they felt sometimes it would be something as simple as a dosage change, but often tines they would change someone from their usual meds to something completely different with no taper, on one occasion I remember a girl getting a weird shaped green pill and she started getting side effects similar to those with low doses of quepiatine, although I'm certain that's not what it was.. I'm not sure what they were doing, maybe they were trying to see what meds worked the best on us in a short period of time, but they certainly did not do it safely. Another thing was the punishments, if we did something wrong we would be put on silence, where we couldn't speak for sometimes hours , sometimes days, sometimes weeks. And if we did something bad enough, we would go to the basement in if I recall correctly, what the called isolation. A tiny , dimly lit room underneath the solstice house where you were expected to sit with a staff member for again, sometimes days, sometimes weeks and not talk, just do schoolwork and therapy assignments. I was terrified of going to the basement, getting put on silent or being restrained, I would just sit huddled on the couch, staring wide eyed silently at a wall and barely saying anything to anyone who came up to me. I wasn't like this before I got there, I was lively and full of energy. Of course the lack of energy may be due to the fact that I also developed severe anorexia while I was there. I should also mention that I didn't have a single legitimate therapy session while I was there, my therapist just kept asking me how much progress I had made on my therapy assignments. I didn't show any improvement until years after I got out. The reviewer below me is right, they brainwash parents, mine were smart enough to realize this before things got to bad but the money was already lost.


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