London Marie

4 years ago

My boyfriend and I went to the store for a few goo...

My boyfriend and I went to the store for a few goodies and bought a few Ramen bowels today! My overall experience here was good until we got to checkout.

We are checking out and a employee is bagging our groceries and bowls we bought. The employee put the bowels on top of each other and wrap the outside with newspapers. I begin to tell the employee that I will bag because I want to put newspaper in between the two bowls not just the outside!!!

To my surprise the employee beginning to freak out and say no I'll bag. Now this is a simple request! I told him no we got! He freaks out and starts yell that he knows how to do his job. I told him I don't doubt that but I'll Bag my own groceries! He freaks out and punches his hands together! Still yelling!!!

Now I beginning to yell and tell him it's not that serious take a walk before I complain to the manager. I have never experience this before in any kind of market. This all happen because I made a request to bag my own groceries and bowels! This is a loud confrontation and no manager supervisor step in! The employee begins to say he doesn't like when people tell him what to do and that he has autism. Which I'm like ok but you need control your anger because it a simple request. That behavior is not acceptable at all and the fact that a manager didn't step in to control the situation is pretty sad!

I have no problem with the employee having autism or anything of that nature. The managers should talk to him about his anger and explain to him that's it's ok if somebody wants to bag their own grocery and it's not a personal attack against him. The facts that's nobody step in while this guy was having an episode is WRONG! I myself am not hot headed that I was able to calm the situation down and walk away! I was mad and confused as to why it even turn into such a big thing for the employee I'm sure that could have turn physical if that was somebody else. Please talk to your employee about his anger and explain to him it's ok for customers to bag their own groceries.


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