CandyGirl Creations

4 years ago

Shocking and poor customer experience while at Fry...

Shocking and poor customer experience while at Fry Rd Location. Front desk/registration staff yells my name repeatedly and asks what I'm here for! Like a cattle call or barn auction. I didn't respond in disbelief, but requests continued in a loud booming voice for all lobby guests to hear. Now, I'm really confused because I've just completed paperwork in addition to having a scheduled appointment. During my silence, I'm wondering couldn't staff review computer system or paperwork or even ask for me to come to the desk for information needed. I finally realize this is ACTUALLY happening with the continued cattle call. I approach the front desk and discuss inappropriateness of open request of my confidential information and provide information requested. Staff then proceeds to yell information to another staff on the phone for all to HEAR. Geez! She apologizes immediately and honestly doesn't recognize the lack of professionalism. It appears it's a common practice.

A short period later, another staff person greets me and proceeds to openly explain my service to an open lobby. No confidentiality AT ALL!!! No meeting room. Nothing! Again, I'm baffled. What's HIPPA again?
Never been to this location. And will never return.
Incredible poor experience from the START!!!!


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