Shashidhara K S

3 years ago

RV VLSI is not a jewelry shop to go and purchase g...

RV VLSI is not a jewelry shop to go and purchase gold (skills and knowledge), it s a mining field that you have to dig and extract what you want.
It ll be long review if you are in hurry, directly jump to CLIMAX.
I m from ADAD batch 28 Front-End (RTL Verification).
Everything is not perfect in RV-VLSI but there are good things to appreciate and more things to improve.
First and the foremost It s not a placement agency If you have idea of getting placed by joining RV then definitely it s not the place for you guys. Placements are just bonus if you performed well and luck permits you to have it, else you are on your way. But for sure if you are good then with the skills and knowledge which you gain in RV-VLSI one can find some job.
The classrooms, infrastructure, tools and materials are all good and there is nothing you can takeout except what you can note down or capture in mind ;-). They say like they maintain corporate culture but it s not so. It s intermediate between classes and corporate.
The course also well structured but runs very fast. If u like to practice more you can stay long and work fast. But never ever try to learn something out of topic you choose. Once I tried and for that get scolded twice. Still I m confused was I really wrong..!! [oooh .pex]
Interaction with the faculties is good but most of the times you don t get answers for your questions. There are two reasons, first it s their intention to let you try to get your answers and the second is they too have not tried what you are asking about. Priya and Arun are good (they handle front-end topics) and Vinay take you through basics and in case of any problem he ll be the first point of contact. Always a smile attached on his face. I didn t get any chance to interact with Srinath, completely backend stuff.
Arun is very cool and calm, good in technical knowledge and aptitude. He ll help you if u like to explore more and more in SV and UVM. Lot of people have problem with Priya. She has her own strength and weakness. To follow her teaching takes some time and we ll get confuse often (In-fact she confuses us). But she mastered the core skill of verification and just struggling to express it [It s the situation for her in our batch since she is adjusting form work mode to teaching mode, I feel it ll not be a problem form next batch]. Personally they are very good friends.
About the CEO Venki, he has his own attitude and there is nothing you have to worry about it. It s his words You are not here to make any relationships . But one thing really great about him is his personality. He has the good skills to impress students and technically very knowledgeable person [He claim himself that he is Citizen of USA, directly this evening itself he can take flight to go back, he doesn t need VISA to go back to USA. If he is citizen of USA then he is living here in Indian VISA to run business and serving VLSI domain..??]. Whatever it may be, it s great to have a person like him in your professional circle.
Small suggestion to Front-End course structure is that the time allotted for SV and UVM is too tight. For project it is very less. Kindly consider this and refined the schedule.
ADAD-B28: Our batch is first student batch to celebrate ethnic day in RV-VLSI. Thanks to Manjula for supporting and to get permission from Venki. We played lot of basketball too
CLIMAX: If you are looking to have a career [ONLY] in VLSI domain, if u r a fresher or 1 year experience then go for RV-VLSI (I m not comparing it with any institute because I don t find any other worthy institute to compare). There are lot and lot of things to learn (basics) in VLSI domain to have a good career. It provides the platform for you to learn and try out tools. Study materials are good and really you don t need to depend on it. Placements are bonus for you if you perform well and luck permits. Finally knowledge and skill are always worth what you get here for career in VLSI Domain.


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