1 year ago

One star because they cannot be zero.

One star because they cannot be zero.

The worst trip of my life.

I don't know in Spain (I'm not going to try it either), but what is your job abroad?

Practically none of the conditions that were offered (and paid) were met, to which must be added that you find yourself in a foreign country, practically defenseless and always with your heart in a there because everything was going from bad to worse.

I thought I wasn't going back to Spain.

Put a claim on them and they want you to prove everything you say. How do you prove they didn't give you breakfast? having paid for it on booking. Making a claim at the hotel? In turkish? because there no one spoke Spanish and English (from Cuenca) only one spoke it that I saw twice in passing during my seven-day stay...

You ask the receptionist for a taxi (in Turkish, with the google translator) and they tell you that she is very busy and that you ask for it...

How do you ask a Turkish taxi driver for an invoice? None speak English and less Spanish. It's hard enough for them to understand where you want to go...

The photographs that were sent to logitravel in reference to the dirt and disaster of the hotel, no case.; For the seven days a sheet on the bed full of spots. Same with the towel. In the bathroom you get dirty more than you clean...

Next time I will organize the trip on my own, with the advantage that if they don't give me a service I don't pay for it.

It could turn out just as bad, but worse is impossible.

Nothing recommended Logitravel. At least for trips abroad.



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