4 years ago

Used to love this place..... until we got scammed....

Used to love this place..... until we got scammed. Paid extra money to be by the pool. One cloud in the sky.... and we get kicked out of the pool at 6:30pm. I have proof! Videos and pictures. The pool supposedly closes at 8:00pm which is still too early and we get kicked out 4th of July weekend at 6:30pm! No thunder, no lightning, no rain.... SCAM! Then when I went to the pool to get my stuff one of the workers closed the gate in my face and put his whole body in front of me preventing me from getting my stuff I left by the pool. Very unprofessional. We asked to speak to a manager and they said there is none. At the same time there was a yacht party going on. If the weather was so bad which it wasn't it wouldn't have been goinf on. To top it all off... there are these metal rods sticking our of our bed and I hit my leg on it!!! It is very difficult for my bf to get off of work and his only day off for the 4th (on one of the hottest days so far) ruined. Horrible! Never again! Update: we thought since they took a couple of hours from us for nothing that we would at least get it back the next day. Nope! As soon as 11am hit they kicked us out and disabled our key. They said we were rude to the staff. When the truth is they were rude to us and even got in my face when I tried to get my things way before 8:00pm. Never in my life was a treated so poorly! Disgusting how they treat paying costumers! My leg still hurts from the metal rods and have a lump on my leg. I'm going to my doctor to have it checked then calling my lawyer.


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