4 years ago

This place is a dilapidated hole. Clearly Amy has ...

This place is a dilapidated hole. Clearly Amy has better things to do than run thus facility properly. We gladly cancelled our memberships after 15 months because of the awful staff, lack of equipment, horrendous children classes (NOBODY SHOULD EVER PAY FOR THE "KARATE" OR "GYMNASTICS" class for kids as it's an absolute joke), the only class they offer for kids that's worth it is the swim classes (we did basketball as well for our small child and that was a mess- this isn't a class for beginners).
The facility is old and they don't take proper care of it (wet and discolored ceilings, leaks from the ceilings, gym equipment is constantly broken- you'll never go in the cardio room and not find at least 1 machine broken - considering you only have about 25 machines this is pitiful).
They allow teenagers to run the facility, meaning you get moody brats at desk as soon as to you walk in, very pleasant. Amy and Jill also don't care when you tell them these "employees" aren't mature or responsible enough to sit at a counter, they take personal offense to it (I'm guessing because these 2 train the "employees").
THEY DON'T PROPERLY FILL THE WIPE CONTAINER EITHER WHICH IS DISGUSTING. Way too many times the wipe container to clean your equipment would be empty (and yes, there's only 1 container, not multiples, ONE) and I would practically beg them to refill it so I didn't leave my machine drenched with my sweat. Again, very pleasant.

I could go on and on about how miserable this facility is, but I think I've made my point. If the "director" reads this, don't respond, take care of that hell hole and start by firing Amy and Jill.


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