3 years ago

I have visited Louvre museums for 4 time. I really...

I have visited Louvre museums for 4 time. I really love this museum and I appreciate the art work but what made me give 2 stars for this museum will be the peak season visit. It was just horrible and not organized. There were massive crowd to see the Mona Lisa painting (they did place it to different room) but they couldn t control the massive crowd at all! There were people who came to see the world famous pairing for their perfect selfies and some came to appreciate the painting. But you only get to see the painting up close for 2 min... not to mention so rude people would pretend to go to other halls but they just cut the long lines and the staff members doesn t do anything about it. I think they should provide different tickets with time slot to control the crowd as it took me more than 1 hour to get the temporary hall to see Mona Lisa and according to the staff it will be placed there til October (known for official off-season and that s when some of the famous places given free entrance as well!).

I definitely not recommend people who loves to observe the painting and appreciate the details to visit on the peak season. I visited during March and October which was more pleasant.
Summer was my first nightmare visit (for those people who can t stand heat or crowds are definitely not recommended at all!)

Of course I won t stop other people from visiting wonderful museum as they got different sections and wonderful art pieces besides famous Mona Lisa!


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