Charla Hylton

4 years ago

Many years ago, my computer was stolen, wiped clea...

Many years ago, my computer was stolen, wiped clean and recovered. I had years of personal writing lost. One of my students recommended Kentucky Trade Computer Services. Everyone else had told me that my information was lost forever. KY Trade Computer found my information.

Then, a few years later, my computer went on the fritz. They saved it.

Over the years, these folks have given me advice on buying computers and computer equipment -- whether or not I've ended up buying from them.

I bought a cheap second-hand computer from them for emergency use and they replaced the charger for me twice without charge.

I've been shown how to do things to protect my computer; advised against things that sound good, but are just money spent on something I could get for free; advised to purchase something that was cheaper than what I thought I needed, but was actually what I really needed. I once took in a computer that was a brand notorious for problems -- especially melted motherboards. I was told I could replace it, but that it would just burn out again, or I could put that money toward a new computer and was actually advised to purchase a brand of computer that they don't sell. They've taken me back in the shop to see what they were doing to my computer (and to point out the sheer number of computers in their shop from that particular brand in with fried motherboards).

I also once too a friend there to purchase a computer. He was older and money wasn't an issue for him. He said he wanted the best computer -- and literally told them that price didn't matter. Instead of just setting him up with their most expensive computer, they asked him what he wanted to do on the laptop. They could have set him up with an expensive gamer model, but instead, when they learned he just wanted to email, surf the net, maybe store some photos, they set him up with a fairly inexpensive model.

I feel like family there. I would recommend them to anyone, any time for anything computer-tech-ish. I trust them absolutely.


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