P. Johnson

3 years ago

Non- English- scatterbrained, staff top to bottom:...

Non- English- scatterbrained, staff top to bottom: dirty, cold buffet and smells!

If you ask to see where they: prominatly post in a public really" licenses- health certificates- ax stamps or State, county & local licenses: they go into - cardiac arrest and lose their water : then threaten you to have police arrest you: invite them to the party!
Put you phone on speed dial to: local police, State, County, board of health, INS & ICE and the MEDIA-- ALL OF THEM!

They were also required all violations until corrected: the didn't! They may have a few more now!

That said: Don't listen to any of the broken English they destroy with hidden costs and free extras that aren't free or just aren't!

Ask them to READ ALONG WITH YOU : the contract of your slavery, life saving and the INVISIBLE verbal extras it FREE this and that they told you about! It won't to long, because it's not here. The surveillance cameras and microphones, unlimited access to your room, prohibitions after prohibitions after restrictions! You'll need a room for two days to read it WITH your lawyers?

Verbal price one person one night in a :pre reserved lock of rooms ( that never was or could be) $139.00 total $267.00 after a year fire and negoiations! Was it there in writing shown - no : but after maybe depending on how the SCOTUS will rule?

Go down the road!
If you got abused already: make the complaints, they work and no one else can!
Keep reading reviews: a drastic change may happen!
Moses parted the RED SEAwith some help? Get help before they all do this!
Think! Have no faith in them! Sign it agree to nothing til you understand it better than them : after you remove all of thevconditions- then go down the road; happy and safe!
Don't eat until you see and confirm all their:" POSTED" documents!
Never pay without recourses to stop payment or get a gauranteed refund n exchange for your testimony!


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