Whale Blue

4 years ago


It supposed to be an educational internship, but there was no education about farming or environmental things, but physical work 6 days a week, 7.5 hours a day, for 50 pounds per week and accommodation and basic food.
Work was at every weekend, holidays, bank holidays, usually outside in the freezing cold, no working clothes were provided, unefficient tools, equipment, methods, not a well organized system.
They paid 200 pounds monthly, which is not the same as 50 pounds per week, only if the month is 28 days long.
Working conditions were hard, as well as the living conditions, the shower cabin was not heated in winter, no public transport, bus stop is in the next village.
Even it is called an "ecological" farm, they dont collect the waste selectively, food waste from cafe, also the beverage glasses went in the same bag.


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