Lori Collazo

4 years ago

Went to spend $1500 in company money for prizes fo...

Went to spend $1500 in company money for prizes for golf outing. While looking at locked up merchandise no one came to help us even tho we were standing right next to 3 employees. They were too busy watching the Olympics. When we brought the cart up to start ringing up the girl acted like we asked her to count martians & we were crazy. She was definitely NOT friendly. True it was near close but this was our third & last place to shop at. This was a typed company check & the amount on it was what we had to spend. The girl called the manager over because the register said "wrong amount" when she entered the check. We were over 3$ and some change due to tax. We would pay the overage in cash. The manager did not want to be bothered either & judging by his face & from what I heard he had no idea what to do to get the register to take the check. So he gave us a bunch of b.s. and told us telecheck wouldn't take the check. We have done this for fifteen years & never have had a problem. Of course this is the first time we went to Dick's for prizes. So we called the owner of our company & he was all set to give a credit card number over the phone & Dick's wouldn't take that either! Claimed he couldn't enter numbers had to physically have card. This is pure b.s. because when a machine can't scan a strip cashiers enter card numbers manually all the time! Also cards are entered into computers & over the phone to telemarketers & hotels etc. all the time. So. Not buying it. He also claimed his dad knew our boss but he still wouldn't take our money. We were shopping for multi million dollar company that does not bounce checks. He also claimed not to have any power but would not call his boss. My husband is a manager and employees are calling him all the time when he's off. So then he wants us to get the prizes the next day. Well that's the day of the golf outing! Either employees are there or they are busy because it's Sunday & it's everyone's DAY OFF! I was working at the golf outing. No one was available. Manager got very snooty & talked to me like he knew more about our business & hours than I did & said we could come back Sunday am. The girl said to him the earliest she'd be there was 8 am. So we checked in all the golfers & then instead of working the prize holes like we were supposed to we had to drive like the wind from Pewaukee to Dick's to pick up our cart of prizes, this time with the owner's credit card. Guess what? NO ONE WAS THERE!!! & it was 9:45 am. & they don't open till noon on Sunday! So we went to Dunham's on Hwy 100 & got MORE prizes for the same money & on top of that the manager (who luckily for us was there early because they weren't open yet either- she answered the phone & she let us in to shop) gave us a discount so we got even more prizes! & because we wasted our time trying to go to Dick's first & then at Dunham's we had to reshop for like prizes instead of just paying for prizes already picked out, we got back only shortly before prize time. So the whole outing wasn't a professional, organized company outing, it was disorganized and chaotic. So not only will we spend all of our sporting goods prize money at Dunham's AND NOT DICK'S but we will personally not be going to Dick's ever again. & neither will the owner of our company or the golfers at our outing & I also told the employees of the club we were golfing at. I told my parents & all 4 of my kids who are all in sports, dance, cheer & are starting to marry & have kids of their own and they won't go to Dick's again either.

Shop Dunham's. Better prices same or better merchandise. Friendlier employees.

Will give shout out to the man in the golf department. Very helpful and friendly and repeatedly told us to have a great outing. But he is older than the girl & the manager & knows what customer service should be. He should be the manager.

Dick's is appropriately named.


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