Catherine Leo nora Muthukumar

4 years ago

Hi everyone,

Hi everyone,
This is M.Catherine Leo Nora and am a final year MCA student, I would really like to thank integra mangament people for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to do my internship over here almost 3 months of duration... And I wonder how people are ready to help anytime and anywhere... All have such a enormous heart to help each other over here.... Colleagues and management people treat others genuinely like a family and all were very good here...Obviously I would suggest others to work here and to do internship over here...Anyone Can learn new skills over here in a short span of time... And i had a great experience over there... I'd thank all for this wonderful opportunity and especially I would really like to thank "Mr.Sridhar Karra, Mr.Arun, Mr.Mahesh Kumar, Mr.Jebamalai Raja, Mr.Srikanth Peri....Colleagues- Mr.Uday Shankar, Ms.Monica, Ms.Dhana priya and Mr.Imtiaz Shaik Ali" for giving me this great opportunity over here....Has a Good atmosphere to work and learn over here


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