Wesley Love

3 years ago

We'll call this the most expensive 8 minutes of my...

We'll call this the most expensive 8 minutes of my life.

As a background, my 18 month old daughter fell about 2 feet and hit her head on the hardwood floor. She cried before vomiting 3 times over the course of an hour and a half. After calling our pediatrician, we made our way to this sorry excuse for an establishment to have her checked out.

The doctors procedure included taking her heart rate, asking us 3 questions, and shining a light in her eye to test for a concussion. All of this took less than 5 minutes. We were then given a glass of pedialyte and an orange jello (seriously, who the hell eats orange jello?) and sent on our way. We thought it was a successful trip, expecting to get a $100 copay for reassurance that our daughter was fine. We were wrong.

After initially getting a statement saying we owed nothing, we were sent two bills totaling $693.66 for an "Emergency Level 2" visit. We have placed 3 phone calls trying to get more details only to hear "That's what your insurance company told us we could charge you" every single time.

Everyone knows the medical system in the US is royally screwed up, however, when a 5 minute visit ends up leading to $700 of charges, screwed up doesn't quite capture the words I'm feeling.

This is the exact reason people have to carefully consider whether it is worth taking their sick kid to the hospital. They are scared to death of getting an astronomical bill they will struggle to pay while the doctor that "examined" them aims only to see as many patients as possible to pay off that new Bentley they just bought.


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