Review of Crown Battery

4 years ago

Former SLI employee that also bought a battery.

Former SLI employee that also bought a battery.

The work there is not for everyone like all jobs it's had it's problems but the ones I will tell you about is in my first three weeks being hired in. I was not fully trained on my job and my supervisors call me into the office to have me sign a citation for not charging batteries. I took this as a wright up in training and even my trainer got written up for not training me properly. I seen this as super unprofessional and treated them as such as he was busy doing his job and I was trying to do mine with the little amount of training I got. The trainers would judge you based off of nothing and give up if they believed you wouldn't make the cut witch I saw multiple times over my year of employment there. This is not a union job but with the treatment from the team leader in that area they need to be because I heard a lot of negitive things before I was hired in about this person and found out the hard way.

Seeing I made the batteries there I ended up buying one for almost the same price as a customer who didn't work there so the discount was very little. The battery still works to this day but the person who made it has 20+ years experience in the job. They do treat there employees good during the holidays giving out about 150-200$ in food or gift cards also Christmas bonus was decent even with only three months under my belt at the time. If you made it this far reading the only reason I give it two stars and not one is the pay because you can potentially make 20$+ an hour with only six months in.


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