Jessica Kn
Review of CanFit Pro

4 years ago

Fitness Instructor Specialist

Fitness Instructor Specialist
In February 2017, I took the Fitness Instructor Specialist Course in Ottawa with Eldon Uchida. Going into the course I was nervous as teaching fitness was not my background but a requirement for my new job. Eldon taught the course in manner that was engaging and informative. He highlighted all of the important information for us to focus on for our exams. With ample studio time the class was able to understand movement patterns and the importance of working with music. Eldon s teaching method lead me to success on both my Theory (97%) and Practical (90%) Exams. Eldon is extremely well versed in his field and is always open to helping his students succeed in completing their course.

Personal Training Specialist
In June 2017, I took the Personal Training Specialist Course in Ottawa with Eldon Uchida. I had previously taken the Fitness Instructor Course with him and was looking to gain more skills in the fitness field and naturally choose a course with him as the instructor. As expected, Eldon taught the course with ease, highlighting important information. I do not have a fitness background so technique and proper use of both machines and free weights was what I was worried about most. Eldon scheduled us with ample time in the gym to learn how each machine worked, where to stand while coaching a client, and how to go through a Personal Training Session. It is now September 2017, I have completed my Theory (96%) and Practical (97%) Exams. My first official client starts in October! Throughout this certification program Eldon was an e-mail or call away the entire time. I sent him multiple examples of client case studies to ensure that I was on the right track and understanding all of the concepts. As I learn and grow into the fitness field I know that I will be able to keep in touch with Eldon for professional advice as his goal is to see all of his students succeed. I would highly recommended Eldon as an instructor if you are looking to learn a lot, have fun doing it, and have guidance throughout the program.


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