3 years ago

And another scandal!

And another scandal!
Marie-Christine DESPLAT-DIDIER, official "judge of instruction" in Montpellier is also currently being prosecuted for offenses and violations of the European Convention for the protection of human rights.
DESPLAT-DIDIER sent at the end of the year 2016-beginning of the year 2017 a summons to appear before her in Montpellier to a citizen residing at ... 700 kilometers from Montpellier for a simple hearing following a complaint for derisory motives (defamation and insult) filed by three lawyers of ... Montpellier prosecuted for faults committed against the citizen.
You read well, a convocation to 700 terminals for a simple hearing in a folder that also includes no real offense.
The three pseudo lawyers have had the unhealthy audacity to complain about their victim while they are currently tried for professional misconduct and slanderous denunciation!
Unable to travel to Montpellier for obvious reasons of geographical distance, the citizen requested the transfer of the file in his city of residence to be heard personally near his home as the law requires.
The file was therefore transferred by DESPLAT-DIDIER in the city of the citizen.
A malevolent lawyer was obviously appointed by the president of the city of the citizen to try to sabotage the hearing, favor his colleagues in Montpellier and not properly represent the citizen at the hearing before the investigating judge who received the transferred file.
The citizen mentioned the many obstacles to his rights and the lack of legal representation he could claim and waited for a new summons before the new judge of his city.
NO notice was sent to him by the new judge.
Suspecting of scheming, the citizen sent reminders without getting an answer.
In October 2017, 9 months after the first convocation in Montpellier, DESPLAT-DIDIER recaptured the file and ordered a "warrant to bring" with arbitrary and unjustified arrest in the home of the citizen to whom she blamed to not have come to ... MONTPELLIER!
You read well again.
The citizen was taken to the police station of his city, far from Montpellier, to be forcibly heard by DESPLAT-DIDIER, who was in Montpellier and who organized a gross parody of hearing WITH THE MONEY OF THE CONTRIBUTABLE by ... videoconference !
Very big no matter what.
A videoconference when it was enough that the new judge residing in the city of Montpellier simply summons the citizen, which he did not do!
All this, of course, is once again completely twisted, illegal, and condemned by the European authorities.
The citizen was held in detention for a few hours, not for the purpose of the investigation, but for the horde of officials requisitioned to organize this useless videoconferencing joke set up the video material!
Still illegal because the European Court of Human Rights does not admit that a citizen is deprived of liberty other than for serious reasons and the strict needs of an investigation.
Nothing is serious and even less of a strict need for investigation.
DESPLAT-DIDIER is therefore also prosecuted for a string of blunders and has been warned by official mail: infringement of the right to a fair trial, repeated infringement of freedom of expression, invasion of privacy (arbitrary use of services cybercrime), discrimination, use of measures designed to defeat the application of the law by abuse of authority, attempted fraud at trial, arbitrary interference with one or more private correspondence, arbitrary deprivation of personal liberty.
The officials VALERIE ISSENJOU and SERGE CAVAILLEZ attached to the Court of Appeal of Montpellier are also pursued in this case.
A complaint will also be filed against them with the Superior Council of the Judiciary.


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