
4 years ago

In our experience, JBNoord is an unscrupulous orga...

In our experience, JBNoord is an unscrupulous organization and apparently has no principles. If it suits them better, they simply reverse the role of victim and perpetrator.
They share information that is only intended to inform JBNoord, without even investigating it, precisely with the perpetrator, which makes them even drive the perpetrator and make it even crazier.
JBNoord does not do truth-finding and ignores easily verifiable facts. Although they sometimes make agreements, they do not monitor whether or not the agreements are being met, let alone addressing someone for not meeting the agreements. If you contact JBNoord, they will not respond.
They even give the court twisted information to get another OTS extension and turn the victim, who has always conscientiously cooperated, into a perpetrator. Psychological reports are also easily tampered with.
The family guardians do nothing themselves, they have subcontractors for that, but the subcontractors dare not say anything negative about JBNoord and certainly not on paper.
Everyone, especially the victim, is made powerless to give up. But the perpetrator is held over his head.
It seems that employees of JBNoord are getting into decent transfers and opposite transfers, so that they do not protect youth, but rather the so-called pathetic perpetrator.

If someone from the press reads this and wants to delve into it, then we have an interesting file.


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