Randall Degges

4 years ago



I can't even believe I have to write this review. But this place is so bad I'm sitting up at 2am in my hotel room at this horrible hotel, typing this review up.

Where to begin: I checked into this hotel after a long flight from California around 11:30pm. I had booked a King size room in advance, in the "newly renovated rooms".

When I get here to check in, there's a line full of patrons waiting to talk to someone at the service desk, and the lady behind the desk is fiddling around with something on the desk completely ignoring the growing line of people waiting to check-in/talk to someone.

I'm standing there for about 10 minutes, and she doesn't look up a single time.

Finally, I ask the guy in the front of the line to just go talk to her, and as he approaches her she looks up and says "next" as if we had all just showed up.

OK, that's annoying, but whatever. Maybe she's having a bad day.

When it's finally my turn to check in, the lady takes about 15 minutes to scan my credit card and ID. Probably the slowest check-in process I've experienced in my entire life.

I finally get my key card, head up to my room: and as soon as the elevator doors open I know I've made a horrible mistake. The hallways here reek. The building is absolutely disgusting. The rooms haven't been touched in probably 100 years.

There's the smell of mold EVERYWHERE. My "renovated" room has a shower head that's literally detached on the floor, and the oldest possible bathroom you can image.

Everything in the room looks like it came out of an antique store, one that hasn't seen human life in 100 years.

The bed sheets were covered in black stains, as was the chair. If this is their renovation... I literally can't even.

And to top it all off, this wasn't even a King bed... It's a single.

So I go back downstairs, and talk to another lady who's now at the desk (after waiting forever in line again).

I tell her about the situation, and she argues with me and tells me that I AM in a King room that's newly renovated. I just sort of stare at her shocked.... I told her that it isn't a King (maybe the computer has the wrong info?) nor is it renovated. Then she tells me well, there are no rooms left anyway, so I should just check back tomorrow. No apologies, no nothing.

So I go back up to this awful room, and call down to the operator to request pillows. The time is now 12:30am.

I have sleep apnea, and can only sleep with my head elevated, so pillows are mandatory.

The operator tells me she can't send more than 3 pillows up because it's against the rules, then hangs up.

So I'm sitting in my room waiting... And waiting... And waiting for pillows. Nothing comes.

30 minutes later I call back and ask about it, and she tells me they are on the way. So I wait again...

Another hour has passed. It is now 1:30am. This time I call back, and she tells me to hold and she'll transfer me to a manager. So I'm waiting on hold for 5 minutes, and nothing.

At this point I'm totally fed up, so I just walk downstairs. I wait in line AGAIN and finally talk to the manager. He calls someone and tells them to bring me pillows.

So guess where I'm writing this review from right now? Hopefully it's obvious by now... But that's right... I'm writing this review in my room, still waiting for pillows, at 2:30am... It's been 2 full hours trying to get pillows.

So, the only thing I can tell you is this: it doesn't matter what you read about this place online, or how much you can get a room for. WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT *EVER* STAY HERE!


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