4 years ago

I wanted to love this place and finally popped in ...

I wanted to love this place and finally popped in for a bite. What a disappointment. Despite being seated first, several couples were served before us even though they came in after we placed our order! This often happens as I am a person of color and was with a person with a vsible disability. I ordered the basic burger with side salad. For a burger bar I would expect a multitude of available toppings and interesting burgers...but no, just 4 basic beef burgers. This burger is BASIC, the meat is formed like a baseball and if you are a big man you may like this but for a small woman it was difficult to eat, and that's not mentioning the bun having no flavour due to falling apart from the horrible burger and the grease that pulverized the bun. I ate about 1/4 and gave the rest to my friend. I could not taste the chipotle in the so called chipotle mayo, I could barely find or taste the cheddar cheese. But the lettuce on the burger was nice, the tomato however was mealy and old. Speaking of old, more than half my salad served to me was rotten, LITERALLY ROTTEN. Black slimy mixed greens were littered in my salad, I told the waitress they really should a. check expiry dates and b. they should make sure the chefs and line cooks are properly trained as no decent chef or line cook would serve this! They comped my 3$ salad but did not apologize, did not offer me a new salad and laughed about my display of rotten leaves I placed all over my plate for them to see. The Nachos were OK, just regular nachos and overpriced...I added the grilled chicken and they literally placed a whole slice of chicken breast that was very poorly cut and did not separate, so just a slab of chicken breast that we had to cut up ourselves. If you are not concerned about flavour, freshness or paying a big bill for sub par food, then this has your name on it. Heavily overpriced for very basic food that has little flavour. I would honestly steer you to Wendy's or McDonalds as they have more variety, flavour and better prices than the "Delux" Burger Bar. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.


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