Legal Assistant

4 years ago

This company was my finance company for a year. 10...

This company was my finance company for a year. 100% Hated it!

In the beginning like most companies they called to complete the welcome call and go over the contract with their specific stipulations.

The most logical question such as "Is there a grace period to pay the note after the actual due date?" The given response totally prompted me think "What have I gotten myself into"! The representative that I spoke with clearly stated "Your car note needs to paid on the 6th or we will come pick up your car"! Of course in return I asked, "What if a life event happens and I need additional time, what happens then?" After that I was blatantly cut off and told "We did not have to offer you financing, do you want the car or not?" From that moment on I simply mailed in payments, not to mention my head was telephonically ate off when I called a week later to pay a month early because I was ready to starting paying them off.

All in all I hardly called and spoke with them. I paid early or on time and thanks to God I was approved a year later for a brand new car with an actual BANK!

Being young and not making smart choices I had to deal with the company however, it was worth it because either way they report to all agencies and all payments were on time and showed on my credit report.

This company needs a full renovation starting with employees. It does not make any professional sense to have that the 90% of the employees render Attitude & blatant disrespect.

Their demeanor gives the impression that just because they approved a person with old baggage they are at their debt so in return the disrespect is warranted.

I am so happy to be away & them PAID IN FULL!

Before anyone signs any documents with this company please note this is going to be the worse decision of your life. God has better for you! This company is not it!


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