Mom Business

4 years ago

My sister is renting an apartment with my niece fr...

My sister is renting an apartment with my niece from this management company. The paradise lane location. They had complained about the downstairs neighbors numerous times. Even had to call the police because my sister could smell weed all through her apartment. They did nothing about it. Well the fire below caught on fire. I was there also with my son and wife visiting from out of town and at about 2 in the morning the neighbors banged and banged woke us up because the downstairs was on fire. The smoke alarms never went off at all and my neices room was filled with smoke. She's 6 months old. She contacted the leasing office bcaise her apartment is completely smoke damaged. Needed to be moved asap for health reasons. They refuse to move her. Now she has no place to stay I live out of state. The apt manager Alicia or whatever her name is told her she didn't know what to tell her. My sister Said she was not payi g rent until something is resolved. I was in the apartment for maybe 10 minutes helping her get some clothes for my niece and basically trying to figure out where we were going to put her and my son and my wife are both vomiting it was so bad in there the apartment manager told my sister she didn't know what to tell her we have her on recording they sent an inspector out to the apartment he said that the apartment is not okay to stay in and he's requesting that they move her ASAP. The apartment manager still said she didn't know what to tell my sister she had two options either terminate the lease and basically give up her deposit because she's trying to prorate the rent of how long my sister's belongings are in the apartment which is not right because she hasn't been able to even be in the apartment for more than 5 minutes. Or she said she could move out in five days or she'll take her to court. Come to find out the owners had no idea what was actually going on in her apartment the fire department said that it was not up to code for health reasons the safety reasons and the inspector also said that we have both of them and the apartment manager on video saying what they said. Now my sister finally got a hold of the owner yesterday who said she had no idea what was going on and that she could go in on Monday and talk to them they didn't have another apartment available for her keep in mind they have rentals everywhere and that when my sister moves out and Returns the keys that the landlord will give my sister back her full deposit which really does nothing because she still has no place to live and is going to have to come up with another deposit and all that stuff to move now and is now had to be sleeping on someone's couch for the last two weeks of the month with my 6 month old niece. So we'll see what happens my sister has nowhere else to go so hopefully they'll offer her another two bedroom which is what she had I'm sure she doesn't mind where she goes but this needs to be resolved or we will push her into getting a lawyer. I know that easy thing for normal people would be just to sign the voluntary termination and get the deposit back but when you're a single mom that doesn't have much money to begin with and you're just kind of starting out you have nowhere to go and not really that much family in the state you're kind of screwed so that's where my sister's out right now with this management company that's about to get sued. I will say that the owner has been very nice but still has not offered my sister another two bedroom which is what should have happened from the very beginning after all they did offer the apartment to the people that did like the other apartment on fire and my sister was basically just out of luck the apartment managers words were we don't know what to tell you pay your rent or get out well it wasn't really fair that my sister would have to pay rent in an apartment with that she can't even be in for 5 minutes with my niece so luckily and now my sister has to move an entire apartment into a storage with U-Haul with a 6 month old Alone aweosme


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