Mon S.V.

4 years ago

Worst hotel ever.

Worst hotel ever.
They said first impression are really important, well this hotel is located next to striptease bar, the entrance of it is exactly on same passage in front of hotel entrance.
Second impression: parking... after booking a parking place we arrived to be told there was no parking available, after some bla bla bla somehow there was a parking, oh magic. So we were happy again, till the man in charge of the parking lot was really angry cause he had to actually do his job and show us where to park(due to it being a shared private parking you couldnt park eveywhere and u needed an assigned place)
So we got to reception ask for our room and they gave us one on the last floor, but oh surprise, theres no lift till the last floor, so u gotta carry your luggage up the stairs or wait for the angry man from the parking lot to help you and throw your luggage at the end to the floor like if it was a bag of trash. Anyway you would say im in my room already what can go wrong now, well let me give you an idea, a tiny room without windows!
So we went to sleep trying not to think of the little cell we were spending the night at. Next day woke up with a bad rash all over my legs when looking for the source of it... we found bugs!!!!! Creepy disgusting bugs crawling from under the bed.
When confronted in reception the answer was, "thats not ours, it must have been from a prior guest" like if it was a thing, they were bugs!!!!!!
Like i dont care whos fault it is, it is your hotel and you have to be responsible for it, even if a prior guest brang them with him. Rooms were dirty also, imagine to have bugs and dont notice ...
Worst experience ever at a hotel
And the worst hotel i have staid in whole Europe.
Ill upload pics of the rash so you have an idea


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