Daniella Damico

4 years ago

Absolutely will never return to this place again, ...

Absolutely will never return to this place again, here's why ...

It started the moment we walked through the door, the hostess told us that it was self seating and their were "plenty of booths in the back". Now keep in mind we had a group of 6 people and after going to two other places before this and being told we would have a 2 hour wait we were quite happy to hear there we're seats available. So we walk to the back and guess what ... no seats, so not a good start but we were starving and ready to eat. We then stood there and waited for seats to become available, in the mean time we got some drinks from the bar. After about 12 min standing there without the bartender even looking at us we ordered some drinks. One in our group ordered a rum and iced tea but they didn't have iced tea... then ordered a rum and coke, once she got the drink it was more like 90% rum and 10% coke.. completely undrinkable. She brought back that drink and went for a safer option... bottled beer (they didn't get that one wrong wow). There were 2 additional beers that were in our order that after about 6-7 min the 1st drink came they were finally served. The bartender actually took one of the beers off the bill because he realized we waited so long. So now we finally get to sit, we get our menus and have a couple questions for the waitress. When one asked her what was on a burger she replied with "exactly what it says on the menu" , we obviously are not illiterate , a better understanding is what we were looking for since half the menu is in a different language. We then place our order and ask for waters , the water was the quickest service we had because all she had to do was go to the sink and get it out of the faucet (tasted completely like tap water). Finally after about 30 min 2 of our 6 orders show up, a burger which was decent and the spaghetti dish . I ordered the spaghetti dish (minus the lamb meatballs) and what I got was a circle mold of ramen noodles with some sort of nasty canned sauce. I'm Italian and have had many many dishes of pasta in my life and that was by far the most disappointing pasta I have ever had, not to mention it was a $20 dish... complete ripoff . So as we are almost done with our orders the 4 of the remain 6 finally get their food, 2 of which contained orders of fries. One fry actually came out about 5 more min after the 1st one. One fry dish came out decently okay (with the exception of the 2 cloves of garlic she was able to put together that came in chunks mixed in with the fries), the other dish how ever just came as hot potatoes. Most of them were still raw and not even close to being a French fry, those went back to the kitchen. The remaining 2 ordered pizzas one was a garlic white pizza the other was basically the same thing but had mushrooms ... and a whopping $8 difference for MUSHROOMS. In the end our waitress (though she started off completely rude) did take 30% off our bill for all the trouble this place has caused our dinner but we will never ... ever return. If your thinking about going here turn around and go home.


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