3 years ago

Is there less than one star in review rating?

Is there less than one star in review rating?

This company should be called WORST Service Residential. I live at the Waterclub Condominium (8 York st/208 Queens quay). I live here for 6 years.

Zero customer service or privacy in the building

- Untrained, incompetent, unprofessional and racist front desk security guards. Very rude, loud-mouthed and abusive to our family and to other residents. They always gossip, harass and bad mouthing residents and guests. Making it hell for us to live in the building where there is no privacy.
- The front desk security received two parcels for me and they never notified me. When the sender notified me, I checked with the front desk security, and the security guards don t know anything about them and no record of them each time.
- Always, when asking for my mail or parcel, they take long time to locate any item as they are unorganized and as they are busy gossiping and joking about residents.
- Security guards smoke right by the back entrance of the building, which is very disgusting.
- No safety. Allowing people to go upstairs while they shouldn t be allowed. Many times, Random people knocking our door.
- Many times, I saw the front desk security unattended as they go smoke or go to the convenience store etc

All these incidents are done by senior security guards as they set an example of unprofessionalism to the new security guards. YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, THERE ARE NO MANAGEMENT.

This behavior usually happens While the building manager is not available in the evening or weekends. When the security guards are unsupervised, they become really wild.

We notified the property management multiple time, and the security guards keeps having the same unprofessional behavior.

Those security guards get their kicks by harassing and intimidating residents and think that their little uniforms (which I paid for) shields them from liability.

We pay for them to make our lives hell.

We will be voting to kick this company out. They are a waste of money and space. DO NOT VOTE TO LET THESE PEOPLE MANAGE YOUR BUILDING!!!


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