Review of AIM House

4 years ago

The only good experience about aimhouse is meeting...

The only good experience about aimhouse is meeting and living with the other people in the program. The only staff who know what's going on are the peer mentors, the program director has no information on particpants and is rarely Invovled in the process of each individual, but is the person who contacts parents if a participant has relapesed and also advises on how long a person should stay without any real knowledge of a participants progress. The owner and higher staff are all related or close friends creating a toxic environment and a cult like upper management, where unqualified employees are given higher positions while some of the best employees in the eyes of me and other participants are picked out and treated very poorly by the program director and owner. The owner and director also seem to pick favorites and treat some participants at a much higher standard and care than others. They claim to guide people into the next steps of their lives but while here I noticed a complete lack of help. Many participants struggle to find jobs and in school, while staff will push them to keep trying there is no actual help other than verbal, no real skills are taught, most people fend for themselves and it seems the ones in need of more help go under the radar and get no help while in the program. I have seen many fellow participants go through this program gaining nothing and coming out the same person or worse off when they came in, this could be blamed on the participant but I also believe it falls on the staff too. With over 25 young men in one house and only 4 staff on per day there is no way every person is receiving the treatment they need, many people go unnoticed or even relapse with no help in the future after these slip ups other than there technology taken away for a week after the relapse. It seems this program is invested in the money then the treatment of its participants. Costing nearly $8,000 a month per stay. Some participants who are indeed ready for the next step are kept here after the program director convinces parents that their child needs more treatment. It seems money is more important then the actual progress of a participant making this program more a front promising to treat someone while not really helping at all, taking money from parents desperately searching for a solution to help their children. After being in aimhouse for 5 months out of 12 participants I have seen leave 10 of them left and fell back to old habits or worse off than before. In all aimhouse is porrly managed, unprofessional, and making promises that aren't kept with few success stories of participants after the program. I would not recommend aimhouse for your son or daughter.


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