Kali Holt

3 years ago

My fiance and I spent a couple days here for the f...

My fiance and I spent a couple days here for the fourth of july, there were some things about it that I liked but a couple things kind of ruined the trip for me. We reserved our primitive tent site a head of time for Sunday and Monday night, Sunday morning they called to tell us that they had to move us to another site, we were not sure why but we were fine with it. We got to the site at 3pm and were pretty disappointed. The site was private compared to most other sites, surrounded by trees providing shade but it was raining that day and there was almost no grass at all. It was very muddy, and we had our dog with us(I do love that they allow pets). Our next problem was that the site was very hilly and we only had one option for a place to pitch our tent , it still was on a hill.Every other site was flat and covered in grass(including the one we were moved from) We didn't complain, and made the best of it. We got set up and started to enjoy our relaxing camping experience, when around 7pm a big group of people started partying at the pavilion near us. They had a professional sound system set up that was turned up so loud that we had to turn off the music we were listening to and were forced to listen to the obnoxiously loud music and screaming people until 11pm. There was nothing about a party listed in the activities so we assume this was a private party and the office was closed and no number to call for concerns. The next night was peaceful, just wish the first night wasn't wasted.
They offer a variety of useful things at the store (office) , lots of activities, and rentals. We rented a golfcart although it was pricey ($75 for 24 hours) it was nice to have. We didn't interact with staff much but they were nice when we did, and A nice young man stopped and picked up our garbage bags for us as we were packing up Tuesday morning. The bathrooms were nice and plenty of them. The WiFi is free but it didn't work for us. Over all the place seemed nice, we just didn't have a good experience. We will be back and hopefully have better luck, and now know to not book site 311.


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