Cara Majeski

4 years ago



So I used Clancy for my move from NYC to Boston in May. I had packed most of the apartment myself except for my artwork because I wanted to make sure it was professionaly handled so it would survive the move. It should be noted at this point, that I don't really own a ton of valuable stuff - most of the furniture is IKEA or hand-me-down, the rest was just clothes and crappy kitchenware. The one thing that was both of some monetary value and of such a size that it could be missed, was a print that I had purchased for quite a bit of money (at least for me) a few years ago and had grown very attached to. I also alerted the movers to this piece's importance, hoping that they would use extra padding and wrapping to make sure it arrived safely.

Everything made it up to Boston in one piece and according to the manifest all the picture boxes had been delivered. Unfortunately, I didn't see the print go into a box - these guys were nice and polite so I just trusted that it had made it in. When we finally got around to unpacking our pictures last week, everything was there... all the value-less family photographs, the cheap, ancient posters, the halfway decent cast-off painting my grandma had given us... the only thing missing was the one piece that had some actual value (which I had foolishly pointed out to the movers.)

When alerted of this issue, Clancy customer service was very nice, but ineffectual. Instead of calling me back, they chose to email me (which given how upset I am about this, seems callous), to let me know that nothing had gone wrong on their end and that they weren't responsible.

I hate to imply that there was wrong-doing, it's possible this was just an honest, unfortunate mistake. But whether through carelessness or malintent, one of my prized possessions is gone and anyone who thinks about using Clancy Moving in the future, should be aware of this incident and exercise the utmost caution.


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