
charles fingerhut

4 years ago

Dr. Putter is an eminently professional, competent...

Dr. Putter is an eminently professional, competent and knowledgeable veterinarian. We have worked together through the course of my two dogs spanning some 20 years. He has always provided competent and knowledgeable guidance and assistance and I must say that without his help and that of his staff, neither of my pet's would have fared as well as they did.

Specifically, my second dog has had multiple orthopedic surgeries surgeries and illnesses and without his support and guidance, Calli would have been euthanized long ago.

No issue is too small or unimportant for him not to take notice. He is receptive, supportive and knowledgeable. His bedside manner is soothing and calming. His treatment plans are conservative;. He looks too tree his animals holistically while at the same time appreciates the value of money and the expenses that we as pet owners assume.

It has been my pleasure to have been associated with his practice and I look forward to many more years of collaboration.

Lastly, Dr. Putter knows his professional limitations and surrounds himself with very competent auxiliary personnel. I highly recommend him to anyone looking to find an initial veterinarian or someone looking to change from an existing one.

Your pet will be glad you have met him and so will you.

Charlie F


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