Word on the Snake Vine

3 years ago

So first things first, if you are a Westerner and ...

So first things first, if you are a Westerner and not used to Eastern culture be prepared to get extremely frustrated at the queues, a) there is a lot of them, and b) personal space is non existent. But if you are okay with these two things then this is a great addition to the Disney east set of parks!

Tron is probably now in my top 5 roller coasters I have personally ridden, and being a bit of a theme park junkie I have been on a fair few! From the themeing to the actual coaster are absolutely spot on, great acceleration, great G through shallow and tighter turns and great elevation changes.

Pirates of the Caribbean is just WOW!! Disney need to learn a lesson here and change them all to the same style as this one! Not just the boring plodding boat ride here! The ocean entering and exiting scenes, where you are fully immersed in feeling like you are accelerating or falling without doing neither are just absolutely top notch! WELL DONE DISNEY!! WELL DONE!!

Then we have soaring, wasnt impressed, I am going to Florida Disney World in a few weeks and hope the one there is better! or at least rode of the banshee is better. (being the same technology, also, I know Epcot has a soaring too so will go on that too)

Roaring rapids at points was good, at others not great, with a fast pass worth it, with out, if I was to return to this park, which is highly likely with working in China a fair amount, I would not waste the time going back on it, same goes for the dwarves mine train. The swinging cars take a lot of the G forces out of the coaster but some really nice swooping lines, If single rider is working and you can cut the enormous queue down to the bare minimum its worth a ride but not with a wait of over 100 minutes.

Buzz light year was quick and cheerful and actually I thought was better than the Paris equivalent.

The one ride that really really took me by surprise was Rex's Racer! Great ride! Super enjoyable! Rode it twice even with an hour queue and no single rider line! really enjoyed it!

Overall it was a great day! The parades were shorter than Florida in the past and Paris, but there is multiple of them. The firework show wasn't as good as Paris either.

If you are a big Disney parks fan, when you walk in for me it was missing that WOW/ smile factor, I think it was the lack of Main Street USA like the others have, then the castle is a miss for me too, with not being able to walk from main street right through the castle, instead having to walk round it made me draw away from the castle. Also something else I have just realised why writing this, is that there was a lack of princesses, IF I was attending with my wife this would have made/ broken the park for her, as she is a fan of the princesses.

Overall though an absolutely brilliant Disney day!! Disney has knocked it out of the park again!! I will be returning


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