
jesica hooper

4 years ago

I have been quiet, continually checking reviews fo...

I have been quiet, continually checking reviews for this German Consulate General Atlanta and I honestly wish I had kept my time and money, spending it already in Germany applying for a Visa abroad instead of dealing with the Consulate Atlanta.

My appointment was for the 6th of April 2016 and went super, even it was with Dahm and the Consulate was running behind on applicants. Besides the snarky comments here and there. I was however missing some documents but was able to email them to her directly in April - May. During my appointment, it was stated that I should have no problem getting a Visa and that it could be completed by the June 1st, thus my insurance required for the Visa began.

The middle of May came and I had not heard any news from the Consulate so I sent a follow up email. Where I was then told my degree, a Bachelors of Arts (common in the States) according to Anabin was not recognized. So she had to write the Kultusminister Konferenz to inquire about the degree. She also stated that if my Visa was declined that I would need to contact and have the Kultusminister Konferenz to have my degree recognized.

After contacting [..] The Central Office for Foreign Education is a state agency entrusted with the evaluation and expert assessment of foreign educational credentials for the purpose of their recognition by the pertinent decision making bodies (government authorities, universities, public employers) in the Federal Republic of Germany who responded within a hours despite being in a different country and time zone. I was told that "Our database anabin does not claim to be complete. It is filled on a case by case basis when a German institution asks for assistance with the evaluation of a foreign degree. Unfortunately, it is impossible to have all universities with all their programs and degrees in there. It was stated that the Anabin, which the Consulate uses so widely is an incomplete one. But that perhaps the Embassy would use something for my purpose. If not, I would need to get a "statement of compatibility which is another hundred or so euros and three months.

At the end of May I asked for another update, along with sending information regarding Anabin. As well as this database only approves two schools in English in the States, but recognizes other foreign diplomas in the same field. My degree is printed as a Bachelor of Arts, however I studied English: Creative Writing, but nonetheless it is a Bachelor of Arts.

It is now the middle of July. I had potential employers in Germany, along with insurance and an apartment. I have been emailing the Consulate for a month with no response until calling the operator who told suggested an email every two days.

Today, the 13 of July a response was finally sent where I was told Dahm did not hear back from the German Kultusministerium (after three months), and that my passport has now been returned. I have yet to see evidence (documentation) declining my Visa so that I may Remonstrate against the decision.

This place does not reflect actual Deutsch people or Deutschland. I feel that they are understaffed and extremely bigoted. I hope that my experience and this review serves as help to forewarn others making decisions with the German Consulate General Atlanta.


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