3 years ago

Favorite place from young. Only 20 years has been ...

Favorite place from young. Only 20 years has been so chaotic, kaga taken care of the local government. He said he wanted to be put in order, but for the past 3 years, the results haven't been seen. Especially if the night is not raining, the area of Ciawi-Cisarua is severe. Arabs are likened to why do they even have a car? Got a car is prohibited, but did not know the traffic rules, why left? We also see Arab barbershop, who shave Arabs too. This is against the rules, let it go too. Belon marries a contract with a native there. Actually it is a degrading of dignity, as if women were only there to be temporary toys, to exchange money for just millions, and become easy. The men are just to be parking men. This is Indonesia, as tourists should adapt to local food. Not make the top as an Arabic duplicate. Do not be lured, a little money only last 1-2 years, the place was destroyed for decades.
We don't have to go abroad. Many places here have more value, as long as they are properly managed and their value is improved. Unfortunately, there are a lot of mountain tea huts. Previously every time there, to enjoy the easy peak. Just park the car, then walk between the tea trees. In some places, we can sit and enjoy the view and the air. Simple and cheap. But not anymore, because it was the huts that ruined the appearance and scenery.


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