Diana Thomson

4 years ago

I am/was a client of Omaha Love (OL). For me, I pr...

I am/was a client of Omaha Love (OL). For me, I prefer the approach of OL because a match maker screens all clients and all photos are taken by the service. I also like that matches are selected for me (-I can't figure out 2-D on-line dating website profiles, they don't make any sense). While on-line dating websites present options based upon algorithms, OL selects matches based upon common interests, human intuition, experience and having seen the person in real life. I think this increases the likelihood of compatibility. From my perspective, I like having a match maker to talk to and ask questions. I also prefer the traditional approach of the service, whereby a man calls to confirm the date a few days in advance. There are ground rules and that offers comfort. There is also a grand diversity of men. I have gone on dates with so many different personality types and backgrounds. That has helped me learn a lot about myself and how to date. * When I first signed up for the service, my only goal was to learn to date in a safe environment. After being off the market for about 21-22 years, I had no idea what to expect. I knew on-line dating wasn't for me... It was so confusing and overwhelming. With OL, I feel like the pace is comfortable. I don't feel overwhelmed and I genuinely feel like my match make (Sena) cares about my path. OL fits with my personality and goals, and that is lovely.


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