Frederich Ambrose

4 years ago

I still can t even figure out what to make of this...

I still can t even figure out what to make of this.

In the midst of spending hundreds of dollars during a regular shop here, I was unable to locate a single item. BBQ steak rub. For the dozen filets I just bought. I was informed it was out of stock.

Curious as to when it might again be in stock, I made the mistake of asking customer service. I was informed that it was currently SouthBy - and that of course they were out of steak rub. In fact, the woman at customer service stopped just short of telling me that I was an idiot for not knowing that. And that I would know such things if I were a local. [I am a local. I have been shopping here every week since this location opened]

I patiently tried again, and asked when it might be back. She told me to just keep calling until they had some again.

I replied that I would not keep calling. I will simply now shop somewhere else.


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