3 years ago

It's a fantastic school. Our son loves it way more...

It's a fantastic school. Our son loves it way more than his elementary school even though high school is supposed to be tougher. For a smaller school compared to the government run high schools, STMC has quite a variety of program options and now also investing a lot in science and technology. The teachers are great to talk to and provide extra support to students and parents. The school even created and is supporting a course for a single student - our son, because it's in the area in which he excels. Having attended a number of school functions, I can tell that the school administration really cares. We have never run into any behavioral problems like bullying that you often hear about from other places. The school is not cheap indeed, but you get what you pay for. For example, every student receives a laptop and all the books from the school. I don't understand the couple of low ratings based maybe on some ancient history, unspecified reasons, or a single factor like price. As a parent, I would highly recommend this school to anyone.


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