Mark Henry Cooney

3 years ago

UPDATE: 5 Star Review

UPDATE: 5 Star Review

I recently placed a couple calls to request if a deputy might be dispatched to our area.

The first call was due to a group of teens that were Actively involved in illegal drug use behind my backyard fence (while my children were IN the backyard). The dispatcher was AMAZING and the deputy that came by arrived in 4 minutes (Outstanding)!

The second call was for an noise complaint issue with an inebriated neighbor. The Deputy arrived a little bit longer than 10 minutes. The neighbor was compliant and no more issues for the rest of the night.
The deputy even gave me a follow-up call on my mobile (make sure you're Not blocking "Private Numbers") and was very kind and articulate; he encouraged me to feel free to call again should any more issues arise with this neighbor. Thank you Sheriff's Office - You're doing Great!

***ONE STAR Review***
A little more courtesy would go a long way with your male dispatcher at approx. 2120 hours on Thursday, 13April2017.

You're all public servants. You have tough jobs. I get that. But if you let the crumby calls and frustrating individuals burn through you and strip you from the reason as to why you became a public servant, then it's a good time to re-evaluate as to why you have this job. It really makes it tough for people who are good citizens and depend on you when it comes to a matter that might be trivial to you [Mr. Dispatcher]and we try to call expecting someone that cares and CAN be trusted to serve.

I try to be clear, concise, accurate, and enunciate well at all times, especially when on the phone. No citizen should be spoken to as if we are hot coals under your seat... i.e. the heat goes away when the caller hangs up.

You're not being paid to get a quota of calls. You're here to serve. When you ask us for OUR address, it doesn't help when I have to be the one to give you the address of the citizen that is being troublesome (neighbor down the road), as an example. I'll give my address, name and number so you have my data, but by all means, ask for the data you NEED to accomplish the goals that serve to provide help for your fellow citizens.

I can tell you didn't follow your SOP (Standard Operating Procedure), since, I had to help out... There is a female dispatcher who answered on a Friday/Saturday and was BEYOND PHENOMENAL, who gave an ordered, guided, and EFFICIENT "data-gathering" Dynamic during my last call.

Whoever she is, she needs to be the example to EVERYONE in your office, especially that you sir, should follow.

This one star is for your direct line leader, Mr. Dispatcher. I get that you guys are busy. But please stop letting the mundane, day-to-day monotony became that which kills the reputation you Should have: Humble Servants with the desire to give what is not deserved (grace) for the good of those who can never repay you (citizens).

One thing that Mr. Dispatcher did do right; when I asked him to "educate me" (my words) on how a citizen's arrest works (relevant to our situation) he gave a decent overview on what that entails, what the process looks like (after a question or two on my part encouraging him to expound on the subject matter... Of course, it was done "taking-orders-at-McDonald's-during-rush-hour" style and I guess that citizens asking him questions is just, sigh, wasteful. I bothered his quiet evening.

But, I learned something new. Thank you.
If anyone from the County would care to talk or discuss matters further or desires tips or pointers on how to present themselves professionally, I would be happy to help. OR, take note of the female dispatcher that (I sincerely hope with all my heart) is known for being efficient, kind and professional and Replicate her. Please.
The image you give will be of much value if your "telephonic face" is one that is truly for the good of the public.

Step it up.

For all you deputies out there. Thank you for everything you do. For putting your life on the line for me, and for others you do not know - for people who could never thank you enough.
Thank you.


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