Misty Green Buechter

4 years ago

Brought my son to the ER on july 3, 2021. He had s...

Brought my son to the ER on july 3, 2021. He had severe migraine pains and was suffering. My son is one that usually refuses medical care at all costs, but he had even brought himself to their ER earlier that afternoon to try to get some help. If he finally makes the decision to go seek medical help, it's because he truly needs it.

He had been sick in the previous weeks with flu like symptoms and now had migraines so bad that he was literally in tears. The first time he went to their ER that day, they gave him a rapid test for covid. When that came back negative, they gave him a prescription for antibiotics and a sinus spray. Nothing for the migraines that he had been suffering for, for 3 days.

His pain stayed steady, he called me in tears again, over his pain, saying he just didn't know what else to do. I brought him in to the ER at 10pm that night.

We got him admitted and the nurse asked why they hadn't had him on fluids when he was in earlier. Of course, he didn't know why any of that hadn't been done. With the promise of a medication to be administered in an IV drip, he finally felt like there was hope for the pain to finally go away.

They put him in a room in the ER and we waited. And waited. A different nurse came in, asked a few basic questions. I asked about the fluids, she was very short with me, and a bit snarky. Not much understanding for the 27 year old man that was moaning in pain in the room.

So we waited until my son just got so frustrated that he left. When you have a dim view of medical providers, and they don't seem to care when you do reach out for help, I can understand the frustration.

Why is it that ER rooms are anything BUT an EMERGENCY room? This kid was in real pain, and not much effort was made to help him or give him meds. But you could certainly hear staff talking, joking and laughing and making rude comments about what I assume, were other patients. Why wasn't some movement made to at least get something done? Why would you leave someone moaning in pain for 5 minutes, much less, one hour? He told me that it seemed that as soon as they found out that he wasn't COVID positive, they didn't care. He won't go back.


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