Bernard Ho
Review of Quest Trade

3 years ago

They will open wall street for you. But can someon...

They will open wall street for you. But can someone explain me how, they can give you less money than you earn? Not once, not twice but 3 times in a year?!

You buy: #shares x price of share + commission.
You sell: price of share x #shares + commission.

Profit or loss=the difference between both

So simple, so many safe guards on software that beat a simple 2 bucks calculator and they still make mistakes.

The customer service do not even know why that is happening. They gave me several times 100 bucks credit on commission.

My opinion, they do it to everyone. Weirdly it always and only go their way. But they hope that people won't see it.

A bunch of lame crooks for sure. Good I'm keeping track on a very simple excel sheet.

Please double check every penny from your account with them. To me that was hundreds of dollars worth of mistakes on their end (almost a thousand in a year trading volumes below 10k total which represents an error of close to 10%!!!).

Ultimately I closed my account. It was so hard and so long to do so and get my money back lol !

Definitely crooks to avoid at all costs. They will rob you in the lamest way. Making maths mistakes that a grade 3 kid can handle and pray you won't find out.

Dear Owner,

Thank you for your answer. However you are way too late, and NO. Your answer doesn't address the matter I experienced at all and is even a little insulting in my opinion.

I emailed you, called you, more than 10 times, discussed with your team.
We tried to figure it out, and they have actually no idea what is happening. They double checked and gave me 100 bucks credit to comfort me several times.
So, I either talked to your 10+ worst staff members over the course of a year, or you train your staff horribly and they all don't give you any feedback, or they genuinely do not know what is happening, and you don't even care, which sounds kind of what is happening here.

As per your volatility excuse, it doesn't stand at all. When trading, there is a receipt of the transaction that you produce for your customers as per regulations. But at the end of the day, the amount of money we receive doesn't reconcile with the receipts you give us. Trying to lose me here on some trivial jargon that only looks complicated here didn't work dear owner, and it is quite insulting as well. The mistake is on a very much more basic issue: "you NOT giving us the money you produced a receipt for".

As a financial institution, we put the money we worked hard to get and give it in your "non" capable hands. However, you just try to rob us. Or worse, you don't even know what is happening in your own company, with your own software and transaction algorithm.

There is definitely a gap in Canada in terms of trading platforms, and you didn't manage to lead it despite the very early advantage you had by being one of the 1st on the market like more than 10 years ago.

Now most banks are offering what you are offering, without making the trivial mistakes you are doing.
It is too bad that you are not better, or still here. The financials institutions should have closed you long ago, but I guess they are understaffed to review you correctly, which happens all the time in our country. To be honest with you, I am still wondering how you're still even in the business.

Looking at the length of my comment and the number of likes it received, I am pretty sure that this is not an isolated case, and you did it to people who noticed it, many times.

I like to think I am a loyal customer (vs returning business). I stayed with you through thick and thin until I completely lost trust and faith in you, and even today, I am trying to be helpful to you with my full of details feedback.

I know the challenges of owning a business, but I believe I gave you enough time and several chances to address it and nothing happened.
I really hesitated to answer your comment, but I hope it can help you.
Not too sure what will happen from here on, but I wish you luck in your future endeavors.


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