Greg Selkirk

3 years ago

Hiked up 4 mi. tr. to Glacier Point (Wonderful!). ...

Hiked up 4 mi. tr. to Glacier Point (Wonderful!). Milled about about with the many other visitors, gawking at Half Dome and the various sites (Amazing). Noticed a concentration of bees, and then the small bee hive in a shrub just over the low stone wall towards Half Dome. Envisioning somebody (a child) getting stung, I thought I'd kindly mention this to the young park ranger standing in the area (oops!). You would have thought I Just kicked his (little power-tripping punk about half my age) dog. It's like anybody with a uniform today thinks they are supposed to be a full-blown idiot! at all times. I mean this was a park ranger at Yosemite simply having somebody mention (helping) that their was a legitimate hazard and he got very confrontational and aggressive barking a bunch of crap at me and that he "didn't believe me!" I'm like Woe!! I just shrugged whatever, reiterated what I said and walked away from this unrepectable idiot. Nowadays even the county dog catcher wants to bow up on you and get nasty! Good Grief!!! NOTE TO ALL UNIFORMED GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONARIES: GET A GRIP! Wouldya?


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