Barbara Monroe

3 years ago

I've gone threw 8 judges and "retaliation" is the ...

I've gone threw 8 judges and "retaliation" is the name of the game up there. Judges constantly offering legal advise to one side to case fix in family law cases. Verbal abuse from the judges is the norm. Heck they even allow your ex to verbally abuse you in court. Missing that's a form of DV being displayed right to their face, but they do it how can they call the kettle black?
They relay on fake credentialed PHDs whom are NOT licensed as PhDs, and use their testimony as if they were gods. One judge after another state they will not reread the records and when you got them not following policy and procedure in the mediation department they lawyer up with Kinberly Drake in Oakland. I have Fightmaster the DCS judge admitting she threw out evidence in transcript people! These cases are rigged from the top meaning Raima and Jose. Think about this: when Raima Ballinger took office the whole courthouse walked out, she was more interested in nailing me while two kids were murdered on her watch.
The newest flunkie Ornell made sure I could not cross examine witnesses nor made sure witnesses came to court. This place is a joke, just go to federal..... They will keep the cases going forever w lies for federal monies..... There has not been ONE judge up there that has not violated their cannons, they order people into supervised visitation w hearsay and never let you out of that bs to make the county monies for people that don't follow the Cal Rules of court 5.20, and when you tell them they retaliate.... watch your back these ppl are the worst kind of evil.


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