Jodie girl

3 years ago

No resolution to the issue but left pmc before I c...

No resolution to the issue but left pmc before I contracted staff from the dirty equipment they used on me or the Feces cover bed pan in my shower for 2 days that even after told about still wasn't removed even though I have incisions and am supposed to shower daily smh also no compressions or compression stockings although I should be wearing them for 2weeks post OP but they had me take mine off and send them home the breathing exercises that I should be doing every hour to prevent pneumonia they told me wasn't nesacerry the heart monitor they put on me had visible dirt and grim on the lead wires that laid across my 6 day old incisions they took me for test after test where nothing was sterilized before being laid across my incisions and the more I insisted they properly clean these things the worse I was treated which the poor treatment started after my mom requested I was moved out of the room with the hep c girl where I was reprimanded and told I was overreacting and it was unnecessary to be moved because it's not that easy to catch but it can be caught through any bodily fluid and the girl literally was dripping fluid from the wound in her leg where they had put in a rod and given her staff also when coming In the er was dehydrated because I was 6 days post op so it was tough to get blood so they held me down and took blood from my main artery in arm because that's protocol for intravenous drug users ( I have never in life) where I told them I'm not a user but that I have went to school to be a ma and had to practice draws on one an other and I'm dehydrated my veins are deflated!! Why these nurses do not know dehydration causes this issue!! So I work it out to be transferred to kings daughter where I do my medical care and pmc refused discharged me with no findings instead!!!! All around horrible experience I dont understand how they can get away with treating ppl worse than animals but they are about to spend 32,000,000 on an expansion so they have more surfaces to contaminate with staff and a childrens wing so mb they can start killing ppls children too! Good luck people of pike county I wish you all good luck trying to survive your health care system ya'll are in my prayers!!!


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